Benefits of Oat

There are a number of health benefits associated with an oat diet:
Oats Help With Weight management:
β-glucan found in oats increases the hunger fighting hormone cholecystokinin, this suppresses the urge to eat.
Oats Reduces Blood Pressure:
High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease, heart attack and stroke. Blacks face significantly higher chances of hypertension compared to whites, infact 3 times more likely. Oats has been scientifically proven to help lower blood pressure.
Oats Reduces the Risk of Cancer:
Oat contains Lignan, the same compound which helps prevent cardiovascular disease also "helps reduce chances of hormone-related cancers like breast, prostate and ovarian cancer", according to the American Cancer Society.
Oats Controls Blood Sugar Levels:
The high fiber and complex carbohydrates slow down the conversion of this whole food to simple sugars, and beta-glucan delays the fall in blood sugar levels before meals and slows the rise after a meal.
Oats Reduces the Risk of Diabetes:
Oat helps stabilise blood sugar and reduce risk of type-2 diabetes.
Oats Lowers Bad Cholesterol (LDL):
Oat lowers LDL - also known as bad cholesterol.
Oats Improve Immunity:
Oat has been known to improve the body's immune system.
Oats Lowers the Risk of Asthma:
Research shows that oat reduces the risk of asthma in children, when introduced into their diet early on.
Oats Prevents Constipation:
Oat is a rich source of fiber, both soluble and insoluble, which helps in regulating bowel movements and hence prevents constipation. Including oats in your daily diet can keep the issue of constipation at bay.
Oats Reduces the Risk of Colorectal Cancer:
A study published in British Medical Journal (BMJ) with over 2 million participants found that an extra 10 grams of fibre per day as found in oat flour can reduce someone’s risk of developing colorectal cancer by 10%.